Thursday, May 17, 2012

First Post!!! | Lets get this started!

Welcome to The Nerdy Homestead!!!

Yup, just a couple of nerds over here. See, two nerds fell in love and we produced 2 nerdlettes and have one little nerdlette on the way. I also have a bonus nerdlette. She came as a package deal with the nerd whom i love so much. It was like a buy one husband and get a super awesome bonus child free! Can't beat that deal right there!

I decided to start a personal blog for a few different reasons. One being i want to get away from good ol facebook. Its a time sucker and a positive energy sucker as well. I also wanted written documentation of our journey into Urban Homesteading and many other new chapters we are starting.

Here you will see our adventures and misadventures in many things. I hope you can join in the laughter and fun that takes place here. As i am sure it will be quite say the least.

I have no green thumb and well my husband does...kind of.
I am severely A.D.D. i think and well my husband is worse than me. Yet we don't actually believe in A.D.D. so who knows what our problem is HAHA!

I love to discuss homesteading, homeschooling (we are about to give it a try, lord help us and by us, i mean me)frugal living, and anything DIY! So you can expect things like these to pop up here from time to time.

Jeremy (the husband) and i are both self employed. This leaves us a lot of freedom to be able to do the things we love. What do we do? Well he is mainly a ceramic tile installer but dabbles in lots of other things construction based and i am a child and family photographer you can find me here

Ok well YAY for our first post. I will leave you with a photo of our family. This was taken in Oscoda Michigan on Easter weekend by my mother in law. 

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